Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Toys and Some Training

Now, as promised, I am going to share some silly tales about the two bigger bottles in the picture.

Gussie is a pretty mild mannered parrot but she does have a side that is quite excitable which is seemingly linked to something in her past. Evidently, spray bottles, like the one pictured were used for training and discipline. We innocently followed that "tip" from her previous owners but it didn't take long to determine that the practice was quite useless. To this day, after having her with us for more than 8 years, she still reacts to the sight of a spray bottle. But that's not all. When I ask if she wants to do laundry with me she practically jumps off her perch to get onto my shoulder. She knows it has to do with bottles!

We have bottles for spray starch, bottles for fabric softener, bottles for stain remover and most every other thing you might want to keep handy while you do laundry. The minute she gets on my shoulder she assumes "attack mode" as we step towards a very eclectic collection of bottles! I dare say I'd have to replace a good half dozen every time she "helped" if she had her way.

The reaction is the same every time without fail. I am still not sure whether she is retaliating for those times she was squirted after misbehaving, or whether she is just playing with intensity. Either way, it is always entertaining for me and besides the fact that I forget about her "passion" and occasionally get my fingers in between her and the bottle, I enjoy the exchange. It is always good for a laugh.

Now, if you go back and inspect those bottles in the picture you may notice some parts missing or some puncture marks. One has a canning ring around it to draw her attention because I shake it when I am playing with her. She responds accordingly and even though she is not much bigger than the bottle is, she can never be accused of backing down.

By the way...she also reacts the same way to rubber gloves (any color) AND, of all things, the ironing board. I don't think I will ever figure that one out!

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