Monday, February 23, 2009

Blog About Birds

If you are a bird owner, or someone who wants to be a bird owner, or perhaps someone who wants the inside scoop about what it's like to own a bird, you have come to the right place.

It is my desire to unite bird people with an opportunity to shed light on what it's like to live with a bird. I have been a bird owner for at least 8 years. Gussie is a female blue and gold macaw who came in to our lives after a very short courtship and has trained us well since that first meeting. I had no previous experience, although my husband had.

Did I have a clue what was ahead for us? Absolutely not.

Would I go about it the same way? Probably not.

But to say I have regrets is far from the truth. The rewards have outweighed any challenges I have had in learning how to share our home with a bird. You see, it didn't take very long to cancel the cable broadcasting and view our bird as alternate entertainment. Friends came over with the soul purpose of seeing her. She is charming, personable, loves most people and steals the show. What more could any parrot owner ask for?

I have come to a point in my life, however, where I would appreciate being bird-free. As much as I love having Gussie here I recognize that I have some things to accomplish for myself and they aren't compatible with having a bird in the house. At least not for the time being. My concerns about relocating her are many and will consume a number of conversations yet to come in this blog.

I welcome any thoughts or questions you might have with regard to life experiences in living with a bird.